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Abundant Worship

Hollie Vaughn

By, Hollie Vaughn

Doesn’t it feel good when people notice and appreciate you?

As a mom we often get overlooked in our everyday acts of love like cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry. It makes us feel almost invisible and it can create deep hurts in our hearts. We all want to be valued by those we love and sacrifice for.

How might that apply to Mary, the mother of Jesus?

Let's read today Mary’s worshipful song and prayer to God. Read Luke 1:46-55

Mary literally poured out straight praise to God. She quoted Scripture. She spoke from the abundance of her heart.

She spoke of...

God’s Holiness - vs. 49

God’s Mercy - vs. 50

God’s Power - vs. 51-52

God’s Goodness - vs. 53

God’s Faithfulness- vs. 54-55

Do you know enough about the Lord that you can pray and praise like Mary? We need to be so grounded in our faith and embedded in His Word that when life happens we can pray with power and praise.

We have so much to praise Him for.

We were dead in our sins, but now are made alive. Ephesians 2:1

We were once in darkness, but He called is into His marvelous light. I Peter 2:9

He has blessed us with all spiritual blessings. Ephesians 1:3

What else can you praise the Lord for? Allow these truths about Jesus to cause you to worship fully and freely. Next time you are in church praise His name with an overflowing heart of blessings. Recall and rehearse the great things God has done for you. Love the Lord with all your heart, souls and might.

In order to worship Him fully you have to know Him deeply.

Study the Bible.

Pray fervently.

Live a set apart life for the Lord.

Count your blessings.


“O come, let us worship and bow down:

let us kneel before the Lord our maker.”

Psalms 95:6

“Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name;

worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.”

Psalms 29:2


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