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Kaitlyn Gellos

Am I Qualified to Teach my Children the Bible?

By, Kaitlyn Gellos

Maybe you are a stay-at-home mom, or maybe you work outside the home. You may have a masters degree, or perhaps you did not graduate high school. You may have grown up in a Christian home and been saved at a young age, or it could be that God rescued you from sin well into your adult years.

But here’s an awesome truth... If you are a Mama, God can use YOU to teach your children of His glorious love and infinite grace. No matter who you are. No matter what your background looks like.

Here are a couple quick thoughts to encourage you in teaching your children the Bible....

1. Teach them as you learn.

I love that you don’t need a seminary degree in order to share Christ. If that were the case, most of us would not be able to share Him. But I can read, grow, find out who He is, marvel at how much He loves me, find out how to become more like Him, simply by diving into His Bible on a regular basis. As you learn of Him, share what you learn with your kids.

"Lead me in thy truth, and teach me:

for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.”

“Psalm 25:5

2. Connect Christ-centered conversation with daily tasks.

What I mean by this is, talk about Him whenever you can during something you already do. Directly connect Bible memory and purposeful conversation about Christ with things that you are already doing as a mom.

For instance, do you thank God for the food before you eat? You thank Him because you are thankful, but also because it is most likely just a habit by now. Why not make it a habit to say a verse or two before you eat a meal? How about before you sleep at night? Why not engage your child in conversation about their Sunday school lesson or pastor’s message, on the way home from church? How about asking each family member to tell something good God did for them during the day, while you are eating supper?

Connect Christ-centered conversation with something you are doing anyway.... eating, driving, sitting down to a meal, getting ready for bed, etc.

"And thou shalt teach them diligently to thy children,

and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house,

and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down,

and when thou risest up.”

“Deuteronomy 6:7

3. Start teaching them before they can talk.

I realize that the following will not apply to everyone reading this post, but if you have a baby in your home, you have a beautiful opportunity to begin teaching them of Christ before a sentence can even be formed by their little lips. Babies loooove their mommies, and what better subject to talk to them about when they are looking at you with adoring eyes and cooing softly to you, than JESUS.

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