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Melanie Breedlove


By, Melanie Breedlove

This week I had a film crew at my place shooting scenes for an upcoming movie.. As their crew was setting up and I was meeting the owner, star, producer and director, I was like HOW is this real? Ha! Let me tell you how:

"...And the common people heard him [Jesus] gladly."

Mark 12:37b

I've been blown away by God from the day I gave him control of my life!

I am just a common person. No one special. A kid from West Virginia, troubled and hurting for years. Then as a young adult, my dark, destructive path crossed the gospel of Jesus Christ. It changed everything for me. My heart, my mind, my will and my direction. I surrendered it all and Jesus became my Savior and my Lord.

From that day to this it has been one adventure after another. Things I would have never dreamed of. Things I would not have gotten through without Him.

But it started with: I HEARD him.

And after I heard him, all I wanted to do was FOLLOW him.

I want to encourage you today. You do not have to be a movie star, a social media influencer, President, a King or Queen, a big-wig for God to use you. God uses COMMON people who will hear him and follow his steps, wherever they lead.

He will create opportunities that are "HIM" and not just "ME".

And the goal is always the same: for the glory of God and furtherance of the gospel.

We are tempted to be prideful and high and mighty if we "become" something. We must always check our heart. Definitely use what you have and who you are, but remember God will always use the humble, the common, the willing, the ones that keep an eternal perspective, that will care about the object of his love: PEOPLE, to accomplish impossible things for him!

Peter, James, John, Andrew - fisherman, who heard him gladly.

Matthew - a tax collector, who heard him gladly.

Mary, his Mother - a young girl, who heard him gladly.

Luke - A Doctor, who heard him gladly.

Paul - a tentmaker, who heard him gladly.

Mary Magdalene - a woman possessed, who heard him gladly.

Rahab - a harlot, who heard God gladly.

Aquila & Priscilla - a married couple, who heard him gladly.

We could go on and on with examples in the Bible. You are not insignificant to God. I'm an Insurance Agent, but I hear him gladly and the things he does in my life are beyond anything I could make happen myself! God wants to USE your life. Read his words, hear him gladly and follow closely.

"...And the common people heard him [Jesus] gladly."

Mark 12:37b

"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think,

according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church

by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen."

Ephesians 3:20-21

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